Ultimate AWS Certified Developer Associate 2021 - NEW! (Update 05/2021)

Video Tutorials, Courses

Ultimate AWS Certified Developer Associate 2021 - NEW! (Update 05/2021)
MP4 | ENG | Video: h264, yuv420p, 1920x1080 | Audio: aac, 22050 Hz | Duration: 31h:45m | Size File: 11.2 GB
Genre: eLearning

Become an AWS Certified Developer!

Learn all Web Services Developer topics. PASS the AWS Certified Developer ExamThe AWS Certified Developer Associate certification is one of the most challeg exams. It's great at assessing how well you understand not just AWS, but the new cloud paradigms such as Serverless, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass. Rest assured, I've passed it myself with a score of 984 out of 1000. Yes, you read that right, I only made one mistake! Next, I want to help YOU pass the AWS Certified Developer Associate certification with flying colors. No need to know anything about AWS, bners welcome!

This is going to be a long journey, but passing the AWS Certified Developer exam will be worth it!

This course is different from the other ones you'll find on Udemy. Dare I say, better (but you'll judge!)

It covers in-depth all the new topics on the AWS Certified Developer Associate DVA-C01 exam

It's packed with practical knowledge on how to use AWS inside and out as a developer

It teaches you how to prepare for the AWS exam AND how to prepare for the real world

It's a logical progression of topics, not a laundry list of random services

It's fast-paced and to the point

It has professional subtitles

All 400+ slides available as able PDF

Update 05/2021

01 Course Introduction - AWS Certified Developer Associate

-- 003 Create your AWS Account.mp4

03 Getting started with AWS

-- 008 AWS Cloud Overview - Regions & AZ.mp4

-- 009 Tour of the Console & Services in AWS.mp4

-- 010 About the UI changes in the course.mp4


-- 011 IAM Introduction_ Users, Groups, Policies.mp4

-- 012 IAM Users & Groups Hands On.mp4

-- 013 IAM Policies Hands On.mp4

-- 014 IAM MFA Overview.mp4

-- 015 IAM MFA Hands On.mp4

-- 016 AWS CLI.mp4

-- 020 AWS CLI Hands On.mp4

-- 022 AWS CloudShell.mp4

-- 023 IAM Roles for AWS Services.mp4

-- 024 IAM Roles Hands On.mp4

-- 025 IAM Security Tools.mp4

-- 026 IAM Security Tools Hands On.mp4

-- 027 IAM Best Practices.mp4

-- 028 IAM Summary.mp4

05 EC2 Fundamentals

-- 029 AWS Budget Setup.mp4

-- 030 EC2 Basics.mp4

-- 032 Create an EC2 Instance with EC2 User Data to have a Website Hands On.mp4

-- 033 EC2 Instance Types Basics.mp4

-- 034 Security Groups & Classic Ports Overview.mp4

-- 035 Security Groups Hands On.mp4

-- 036 SSH Overview.mp4

-- 041 EC2 Instance Connect.mp4

-- 042 EC2 Instance Roles Demo.mp4

-- 043 EC2 Instance Launch Types.mp4

06 EC2 Instance Storage

-- 044 EBS Overview.mp4

-- 045 EBS Hands On.mp4

-- 046 EBS Snapshots Overview.mp4

-- 047 EBS Snapshots Hands On.mp4

-- 048 AMI Overview.mp4

-- 049 AMI Hands On.mp4

-- 050 EC2 Instance Store.mp4

-- 051 EBS Volume Types.mp4

-- 052 EBS Multi-Attach.mp4

-- 053 EFS Overview.mp4

-- 054 EFS Hands On.mp4

07 AWS Fundamentals_ ELB + ASG

-- 060 Classic Load Balancer (CLB).mp4

-- 061 Classic Load Balancer (CLB) with Hands On.mp4

-- 062 Application Load Balancer (ALB).mp4

-- 063 Application Load Balancer (ALB) - Hands On.mp4

-- 064 Network Load Balancer (NLB).mp4

-- 065 Network Load Balancer (NLB) - Hands On.mp4

-- 067 Elastic Load Balancer - Cross Zone Load Balancing.mp4

-- 068 Elastic Load Balancer - SSL Certificates.mp4

-- 071 Auto Scaling Groups Hands On.mp4

-- 072 Auto Scaling Groups - Scaling Policies.mp4

-- 073 Auto Scaling Groups - Scaling Policies Hands On.mp4

08 AWS Fundamentals_ RDS + Aurora + ElastiCache

-- 074 RDS Overview.mp4

-- 075 RDS Read Replicas vs Multi AZ.mp4

-- 078 Aurora Overview.mp4

-- 080 ElastiCache Overview.mp4

-- 083 ElastiCache Redis Cluster Modes.mp4

09 Route 53

-- 095 Routing Policy - Geoproximity.mp4

11 S3 Introduction

-- 105 S3 Buckets and Objects.mp4

-- 106 S3 Buckets and Objects - Hands On.mp4

-- 107 S3 Versioning.mp4

-- 108 S3 Versioning - Hands On.mp4

-- 109 S3 Encryption.mp4

-- 110 S3 Encryption - Hands On.mp4

-- 112 S3 Bucket Policies Hands On.mp4

-- 113 S3 Websites.mp4

-- 115 S3 CORS Hands On.mp4

-- 116 S3 Consistency Model.mp4

12 AWS CLI, SDK, IAM Roles & Policies

-- 127 Exponential Backoff & Service Limit Increase.mp4

-- 128 AWS Credentials Provider & Chain.mp4

13 Advanced S3 & Athena

-- 130 S3 MFA Delete.mp4

-- 131 S3 MFA Delete Hands On.mp4

-- 132 S3 Access Logs.mp4

-- 133 S3 Access Logs - Hands On.mp4

-- 134 S3 Replication (Cross Region and Same Region).mp4

-- 135 S3 Replication - Hands On.mp4

-- 136 S3 Pre-signed URLs.mp4

-- 137 S3 Pre-signed URLs - Hands On.mp4

-- 138 S3 Storage Classes + Glacier.mp4

-- 139 S3 Storage Classes + Glacier - Hands On.mp4

-- 140 S3 Lifecycle Rules.mp4

-- 141 S3 Lifecycle Rules - Hands On.mp4

-- 142 S3 Performance.mp4

-- 144 S3 Event Notifications.mp4

-- 145 S3 Event Notifications - Hands On.mp4

-- 148 S3 Lock Policies & Glacier Vault Lock.mp4

14 CloudFront

-- 154 CloudFront Signed URL - Key Groups + Hands On.mp4

-- 155 CloudFront Advanced Concepts.mp4

15 ECS, ECR & Fargate - Docker in AWS

-- 168 ECS Data Volumes - Overview.mp4

-- 169 ECS Data Volumes - Hands On.mp4

16 AWS Elastic Beanstalk

-- 176 Beanstalk Deployment Modes.mp4

17 AWS CICD_ CodeCommit, CodePipeline, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy

-- 201 CodeStar - Overview.mp4

-- 202 CodeStar - Hands On.mp4

18 AWS CloudFormation

-- 216 CloudFormation Drift.mp4

19 AWS Monitoring & Audit_ CloudWatch, X-Ray and CloudTrail

-- 222 CloudWatch Agent & CloudWatch Logs Agent.mp4

-- 234 CloudTrail.mp4

-- 235 CloudTrail Hands On.mp4

20 AWS Integration & Messaging_ SQS, SNS & Kinesis

-- 240 SQS - Standard Queues Overview.mp4

-- 241 SQS - Standard Queue Hands On.mp4

-- 242 SQS Queue Access Policy.mp4

-- 243 SQS - Message Visibility out.mp4

-- 244 SQS - Dead Letter Queues.mp4

-- 245 SQS - Delay Queues.mp4

-- 246 SQS - Certified Developer concepts.mp4

-- 247 SQS - FIFO Queues.mp4

-- 248 SQS - FIFO Queues Advanced.mp4

-- 249 SNS - Overview.mp4

-- 250 SNS and SQS - Fan Out Pattern.mp4

-- 251 SNS Hands On.mp4

-- 252 Kinesis Overview.mp4

-- 253 Kinesis Data Streams Overview.mp4

-- 254 Kinesis Producers.mp4

-- 255 Kinesis Consumers.mp4

-- 256 Kinesis Data Streams Hands On.mp4

-- 257 Kinesis Client Library.mp4

-- 258 Kinesis Operations.mp4

-- 259 Kinesis Data Firehose Overview.mp4

-- 260 Kinesis Data Firehose Hands On.mp4

-- 261 Kinesis Data Analytics.mp4

21 AWS Serverless_ Lambda

-- 266 AWS Lambda Overview.mp4

-- 289 Lambda and CloudFormation.mp4

-- 290 Lambda and CloudFormation - Hands On.mp4

-- 292 Lambda Container Images.mp4

-- 295 Lambda Limits.mp4

22 AWS Serverless_ DynamoDB

-- 310 DynamoDB Transactions.mp4

-- 316 DynamoDB Security & Other.mp4

23 AWS Serverless_ API Gateway

-- 333 API Gateway REST API vs HTTP API.mp4

-- 334 API Gateway Websocket API.mp4

-- 335 API Gateway Websocket API Hands On.mp4

-- 336 API Gateway - Architecture.mp4

24 AWS Serverless_ SAM - Serverless Application Model

-- 348 Serverless Application Repository (SAR).mp4

-- 349 Serverless Application Repository (SAR) - Hands On.mp4

25 Cloud Development Kit (CDK)

-- 350 CDK Overview.mp4

-- 351 CDK Hands On.mp4

27 Other Serverless_ Step Functions & AppSync

-- 360 Step Functions Overview.mp4

-- 361 Step Functions - Hands On.mp4

-- 362 Step Functions - Error Handling.mp4

-- 363 Step Functions - Error Handling Hands On.mp4

-- 364 Step Functions - Standard vs Express.mp4

29 AWS Security & Encryption_ KMS, Encryption SDK, SSM Parameter Store, IAM & STS

-- 373 KMS Overview.mp4

-- 376 Encryption SDK CLI Hands On.mp4

-- 380 S3 Bucket Key.mp4


