ThemeForest - Innap v1.1 - React Redux Hotel Admin Template - 34681119

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ThemeForest - Innap v1.1 - React Redux Hotel Admin Template - 34681119

ThemeForest - Innap v1.1 - React Redux Hotel Admin Template - 34681119

Built on Latest React; Fully Responsive; Ready to used widget; Detailed Documentation; Attractive Calendar; Customizable React Bootstrap Components; Invoice; User Profile; Timeline; Summernote; Markdown; Form Examples; Many Charts Options; Form Validation; Input Slider; Advanced Form Elements; Form Wizard; Social; Bootstrap; Datatable; Table Sorting; React Table; Date Picker; Sortable & Nestable; Noui Slider; Sweetalert; Toaster; Rating; Lightbox; Scroll; Chatbox; Router And many more;