ThemeForest - Eres v1.0 - Laravel Hospital Admin Template - 29546933

HTML Templates

ThemeForest - Eres v1.0 - Laravel Hospital Admin Template - 29546933

ThemeForest - Eres v1.0 - Laravel Hospital Admin Template - 29546933


·Laravel HTML MIX (Starter Kit); Laravel 8 with Laravel integration; Left side menu dashboard design; PHP Framework Laravel; MVC architecture Support; Package management with NPM; 30+ Plugins; Charts (apexChart, chartJs, Flot, Morris, Peity, Sparkline); Responsive Bootstrap 4 Framework; Very Easy to Create your Own Site; Well Commented Code; Data Tables; Easy to customize; Neat, clean and simple design; TimeLine; Google Fonts; Maps; Mail Inbox; Lock screen Pages; Error Pages; Shopping Cart; Regular Updates; Form Elements; Calendar; Media Object; Widgets; 24X7 Professional Company Support; Bootstrap Elements; Calendars; Color Pickers; jQuery Validation; Multi Step Form; Event Calender; Shop pages; Accordions; Alert Messages; Badges; Buttons; Modal Box; Tabs; Progress bar; Paginations; Paginations; Cards; Typography; Range Sliders; Sweet alert pop-ups; Lightbox