Pixi Advanced Portfolio 36745216

CMS modules/Plugins

Pixi Advanced Portfolio 36745216

Pixi Advanced Portfolio 36745216

Pixi Advanced Portfolio is the Best Advanced Portfolio gallery Showcase Plugin for WordPress built to display portfolio , Gallery and team Item.
The plugins comes with creative 4+ different styles that can be changed very easily by drag and drop settings panel that can help you build awesome and unique Portfolio Layout showcase with responsive layouts and customizable styles on your website. Create unlimited Portfolio gallery with “Pixi Advanced Portfolio ” plugin.
It is fully customizable via the elementor options which include a variety of customizable settings like color style, Font Size, Font Family, image Layout and more!
The Pixi Advanced Gallery are very easy to add, modify and delete. You can enter the Image Image/Avatar, Name, Category, Description in the Widget Fields for the Portfolio Item It is as simple as that!