Unreal Engine Asset - GORE v4.27+

3D Models»Game 3D Models Assets

Unreal Engine Asset - GORE v4.27+

All the Blood, Guts, and Gore you could need.

We've made countless specialized sound effects files for EPIC Games for hire over the years. If they can trust us for quality sound content, so can you. The core team of us at SoundMorph come from over a 20 year history of working at AAA game studios such as BioWare, Electronic Arts and Microsoft. So we understand the sound needs for game development, and what you need. Some of our clients include companies like Skywalker Sound, Electronic Arts, Apple, Disney, and many more. For more information about us and what we do at SoundMorph, or for bundle purchasing or just general questions visit us directly at: www.soundmorph.com or write to us directly at info@soundmorph.com. We are always happy to help. If you make a purchase on the Unreal Marketplace we can also set you up with an account on SoundMorph with any products that you purchase here.

This library has all the great bloody impacts, guts, gore, and weapon impacts that you can think of! You can never have enough gore to add to your collection!

Technical Details

- 19 different weapon impacts, both dry and wet

- Blood

- Guts

- Drips

- Splatters

- Head Explosions

- Stabs

- Extras

778 files

534 MB

Number of Audio Tracks: 778

Number of Audio Cues: 778

Sample rate/Bit rate: 44100kHz, 16bit Stereo WAVS Version: 4.27+