Unreal Engine Asset - Euphoria - Close Combat v5.2+

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Unreal Engine Asset - Euphoria - Close Combat v5.2+

High fidelity data-driven close combat framework for realistic, cinematic games. Advanced interaction with the environment and Motion Warping Transform

Euphoria - Close Combat it's a framework for realistic and cinematic games to help create an advanced combat system based on interaction and dynamic character adjustment. This framework comes with curve and root motion based Execution System, as well as Motion Warping Close Combat system, Cinematic Spline Camera and Target detection.

This framework uses Motion Warping plugin for correct animation adjustment, but this logic can be easily removed and does not bring the all functionality.


Spline Camera movement based on animations
Curve-based Execution System
Two Types of Target Detect system with Weight
Table Head Smash
Wall Neck Slash
Different weapon types
Combo Attacks
Data Table for each weapon type
Fully Commented and Clean code
Debugging Version: 5.2+