Unreal Engine Blueprints Top Down Stealth Toolkit v5.0

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Unreal Engine Blueprints Top Down Stealth Toolkit v5.0

The Top Down Stealth Toolkit is a pure blueprint framework that enables quick & easy creation of Stealth games from a Top Down Perspective.


• Top-Down Camera perspective.

• A custom-built AI Perception system tailored specifically for developing Stealth games enable AI agents to perceive stimuli through four different types of perception models: Visual, Aural, Intuitive, & Motion perception.

• A Stimulus generation system that enables users to easily customize & add new types of perceivable stimuli.

• Patrol Guards that can respond to a wide variety of stimuli including the player character, incapacitated team mates, alarms, footstep & gunshot noises, & more.

• Automated security devices like Cameras, Motion Sensors, Laser Security Systems, & Turrets function provide additional layers of challenge to the player.

• Use Gadgets & Weapons to distract or disable AI Bots.

• A Global Alert Level system that dynamically increases the difficulty through deployment of AI reinforcements.

• Edge Detection algorithms help deliver increased performance for Line of Sight Visualization.

• A Mission Stats Display system that tracks & updates high score information for every level. Version: 5.0