Unity 2D Character Creator 2D v1.95

3D Models»Game 3D Models Assets

Unity 2D Character Creator 2D v1.95

Support engine version: 2021.3.0 or higher.

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Create and customize 2D characters easily for your game.

Create and customize 2D characters easily for your game. With Character Creator 2D you can create anything from simple peasants to epic heroes. Equipment is colorable, allowing more freedom and creativity when creating your characters. You can also equip and color parts at runtime. The package comes with a UI to create and save your character in the editor, or you can modify and use the UI as character creation in your game.

Create 2D humanoid characters
Colorable equipment
Adjustable body sliders
Facial expressions/emotions
Animations included
Character creation UI
Runtime character customization
Save as Prefab
Save as baked Prefab
Save as JSON
Export to PNG
Add your own parts and equipment
Templates and guides included Version: 1.95