Unreal Engine Blueprints Interactive Objects System v4.27, 5.0-5.2

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Unreal Engine Blueprints Interactive Objects System v4.27, 5.0-5.2

Interactive Objects System V2 is a fully customizable and modular system for interaction with objects, triggers, doors, windows, items, furniture, physics and more.


100% blueprints.
Easy migration.
Compatible with Third and First Person.
Openable doors and windows.
Swing door with physics.
Interactive triggers: Number pads, buttons, terminals (With 3D widgets), levers, pressure plates and more...
Interactive items with physics.
Full inventory system with weight, inventory UI, and journal.
Examples of consumable items.
Items containers.
Grabbable physics objects.
Interactive furniture: Drawers, Cupboards and Chests.
Interactive lights.
Elevators based on spline movement.
Key system for doors and other objects.
All systems are based on Actor Components and Blueprint Interfaces. Version: 4.27, 5.0-5.2 Home Page: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/interactive-objects-system