Unity Tools Sci-Fi Ship Controller v1.3.7

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Unity Tools Sci-Fi Ship Controller v1.3.7

Packed with features and tools, this professional kit helps you build a Sci-Fi Space Sim.

Sci-Fi Ship Controller enables you to create spaceships, aeroplanes, hover-vehicles and more – virtually anything that flies. It can be integrated with other assets like Stick3D Controller to create truly immersive experiences.

It even has support for VR including the popular Oculus Quest 2.

Over 4 years of continuous development and improvements!

Entirely physics-driven, Sci-Fi Ship Controller is easy to use and comes with a wide range of options for ship flight mechanics, flight assists, aerodynamics, weapons, damage models, input, AI and more. Version: 1.3.7 Home Page: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/physics/sci-fi-ship-controller-134914