Unreal Engine Characters OlderSister v4.18-4.27, 5.0-5.1

3D Models»Game 3D Models Assets

Unreal Engine Characters OlderSister v4.18-4.27, 5.0-5.1

The character is attached to Epic Skeleton, has 7 free epic animations and humanoid ragdoll set up.

Bones were removed from the skeleton: thigh_l, thigh_r, calf_l, calf_r, foot_l, foot_ r, ball_l, ball_r, ik_foot_root, ik_foot_l, ik_foot_r, so the skeleton cannot be considered an epic. But you can still retarget animations without issue. Version: 4.18-4.27, 5.0-5.1 Home Page: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/oldersister