True FP Shooter

3D Models»Game 3D Models Assets

True FP Shooter

Blueprint system with shooter gameplay features, plus procedural aiming, gun customization system, True 1P character, replication, and much more. First person mainly.

-Procedural ADS aligning
-No ADS anims required
-Gun assembly system with rails, parts onto parts, collision detection, etc
-Procedural IKs for arms
-True 1st person/3rd person
-Character with no invisible or separated parts (only one mesh)
-Only one set of anims for all views
-Reload while aiming and reload not aiming with only one anim sequence
-Fire while aiming and fire not aiming with only one anim sequence
-Configurable recoil, spread, dynamic crosshair, projectile or line-trace fire, etc
-Fire modes logic: Safe, Semi-Auto, Burst and Auto modes
-Loaded/unloaded reloads

Asset version: v1.5.6 (4.24-4.27)
