Garden Environment

3D Models»Game 3D Models Assets

Garden Environment

This content is part of the content "Flowers and Plants Nature Pack" and includes all garden environment elements and landscape material.

This package includes:
84 HQ garden meshes
9 customizable blueprints
4 Master materials
Highly customizable landscape material with 19 layers.
1 Overview Scene

NOTE: if the scene is lighter or darker, change the auto-exposure parameters in post-processing.

Technical Details
Physically-Based Rendering: Yes
Texture Size: from 1024 * 1024 - 4096 * 4096
Collision: Yes (custom)
Triangle Count: on average 3458 per 0LOD, 669 per 1LOD, 248 per 2LOD
LODs: Yes, 2 LODs for each model
Number of Models: 85
Number of Blueprints: 10
Number of Material Instances: 73
Number of Master Material: 5
Number of Textures: 264 (includes Albedo, Normal map, RMA - (Metallic + Roughness + AO))
Platforms Tested: Windows 10 x64

Asset version: 4.26-4.27
