Celtic Jewelry For G3F G3M G8F G8M

3D Models»DAZ 3D Models & Poser

Celtic Jewelry For G3F G3M G8F G8M

Celtic Jewelry For G3F G3M G8F G8M

DAZ Studio 4.9.4 (Needed for G8F/M)

File Types:
(not specified)

Base Figures: Genesis 3 Female, Genesis 3 Male, Genesis 8 Female, Genesis 8 Male

Celtic jewelry set containing a necklace and a ring for Genesis 3
Male/Female and Genesis 8 Male/Female.

Normal maps can be added to the pendant of the necklace and the ring
in order to add a Celtic pattern.

The rings can be added to any of the five fingers.

Following material presets are available:

2 Leather presets
4 Fastener metallic presets (gold, sliver, bronze, iron)
2 Fastener glossiness levels

4 Metallic presets (gold, sliver, bronze, iron)
2 Glossiness levels