Tanning Salon for Genesis 8 and 3 Females

3D Models»DAZ 3D Models & Poser

Tanning Salon for Genesis 8 and 3 Females

Tanning Salon for Genesis 8 and 3 Females

DAZ Studio 4.9.4 (Needed for G8F/M)

File Types:
(not specified)

Base Figures: Genesis 3 Female, Genesis 8 Female

Tanning Salon for Genesis 8 and 3 Females

Tanning Salon is a panel and script driven skin add on solution for Genesis 3 and 8 Female Based Characters.

Tanning Salon provides many tan, tan line and sunburn geo shell options for Genesis 3 and 8 Female based characters.

The Tanning Salon Editor manages all the minutiae of selecting and creating geoshells, materials, and surfaces, while allowing you to change the colors and intensities of the various skin options easily and quickly. While other HOT4SHARE.COM