BLACKHAT for After Dark Day for G3 female(s)

3D Models»DAZ 3D Models & Poser

BLACKHAT for After Dark Day for G3 female(s)

BLACKHAT for After Dark Day for G3 female(s)

DAZ Studio 4 With IRAY

File Types:
(not specified)

Base Figures: Genesis 3 Female

Required Products:
target="_blank">After Dark Day for G3 female(s)

Product Name: BLACKHAT for After Dark Day for G3 female(s)

Product Description:
BLACKHATis a companion texture set for After Dark Day by powerage.
Features high resolution and detailed textures that take advantage of advance material settings for maximum realism,
making them suitable both for screen and printing use.
With this pack you'll get 05 new fully detailed HOT4SHARE.COM