Fascination Hair G8F/G8M

3D Models»DAZ 3D Models & Poser

Fascination Hair G8F/G8M

Fascination Hair G8F/G8M

DAZ Studio 4 With IRAY, DAZ Studio 4.9.4 (Needed for G8F/M)

File Types:
(not specified)

Base Figures: Genesis 8 Female, Genesis 8 Male

PropsChick presents Fascination Hair, a shaved hair with 20 colors, and 12 shaved options for different looks and styles. Hair contains a leftside body part for posing the hair along with 33 morphs for styles, fitting and movement, headshapes for Genesis 8 females, and a male version to punk up your Gen 8 Males! The scalp options work on Jett Hair from Daz and vice versa, so make sure you have both for more options! Be sure to link me your renders!!!!!

Girl used in renders is Jessai's Friday! A HOT4SHARE.COM