Master Skin Resource 10 - Genesis 3 Female + Genesis 8 Female

3D Models»DAZ 3D Models & Poser

Master Skin Resource 10 - Genesis 3 Female + Genesis 8 Female

Master Skin Resource 10 - Genesis 3 Female + Genesis 8 Female

Photoshop CS4 and above, Photoshop CS6 and above

File Types:
(not specified)

Base Figures: Genesis 3 Female

Master Skin Resource 10 - Genesis 3 Female

- This product is a Merchant Resource.
- You can alter or not the included textures before you sell them.
- Please state the use of this product in your ReadMe files.
- The use of the included textures (partial or complete) to make another Merchant Resource or similar competing product is prohibited.
- You are not allowed to resell the included textures if they have been modified/converted to a figure with different texture maps (different UV map HOT4SHARE.COM